Per visit fees:
First visit (1.5 hours): $200 if in office, $250 if in home
Followup visits: $150 for office visit, $200 for home visit
5% discount if you commit to package of 4 or more visits spanning prenatal and postpartum period
10% discount if you commit to package of 7 or more visits spanning prenatal and postpartum period
I accept cash, check, credit card, and HSA/FSA.
Financial hardship discounts can be offered for families eligible for Medicaid in an effort to make my services more accessible.
For families needing long term payment plans for care packages totally $1000 or more, I'm contracted with United Medical Credit.
Fees incorporate up to 30 minutes of phone or text support between visits into price, additional follow-up for new issues or concerns will be charged $30/15 min, or $50/30 min.
You are also welcome to join the Motherland Families google group for both peer and midwife support, and borrow books and other resources from the Motherland Community Library.
A superbill can be provided at the end of your care to submit to your insurance for potential reimbursement if you have out-of-network maternity coverage.
As part of our commitment to supporting Reproductive Justice and health equity, 10% of your fee will be directed to an Access Fund for mothers and pregnant people from the most at-risk communities in Philadelphia, particularly families of color, immigrant families and LGBTQ+ families, to receive the same high quality, relationship-based prenatal, birth & postpartum care at a discounted rate from midwives in their community.
“A woman is pregnant for nine months and postpartum for the rest of her life!- Ibu Robin Lim”