Itzela Domenica Santoro Wiley8lb 5oz 20 inches 8/12/2009 @ 5:09pm
Itzela a Spanish name meaning 'protected one'- pronounced as ee-tsela. A name we searched for after our experience together & born from our gratitude that she was protected & able to join us safely despite the perilous challenge with her short cord.
Domenica was Christy's Italian grandmother's middle name & it means 'Belonging to God'. Gram's birthday was on July 21st-looking back we laugh at our thinking 'maybe the baby will come on Gram's birthday!'
We have an eye toward calling the baby 'Zela' although a bunch of nicknames are being born each day! Zela means 'sacred' in Greek & also derives from having zeal, zest & passion for life!
It's a big name for a little girl but she's already more than matching it & it fits her perfectly!
Look forward to sharing more about this wild ride when as we settle into our babymoon...thanks for the love & support of our family!
Christy, Martin & Itzela