Baby Finnian is born!

Winter is Jess and Nathan's baby season--all their babes were born in the month between December 3rd and January 3rd! On December 3, 2010 Jess had her third homebirth and her third baby with Christy having the honor of receiving the new life into her hands! First one standing in the bathroom, second one in the birth tub, and this big guy came out with mama on hands and knees!

Jess was beautiful and strong and focused as she birthed her 10 lb 7 oz son, Finnian Emmett Kayleo Waggenbeek with his dad Nathan and Oma Susan and midwives Christy and Meredith there to welcome him! She had to push him out all the way to his toes with his sweet and chubby body. Big brother Otis helps Christy cut the cord and big sister Sadie joined us soon after to meet her little baby brother! Finn was a great nurser from the start and is growing like a champ so he can keep up with his siblings.

It is always extra sweet to be with a family for multiple children and especially with someone who is such a dear friend as Jess. I love you Mama! Thanks for inviting me to be part of your growing family!