Daddy Han cuts Eli's cord after the Golden Hour after the birth has passed!
My homebirth experience with Christy and Janeyne in one word would be uplifting. To me, having a homebirth was not about putting down hospitals or western medical practices. Rather, it was to seek and uplift a more suitable and natural way to bring my child into the world. To uplift core human values of how pregnancy should be treated as we prepare to take on one of the toughest roles we face as women. To uplift the empowerment that comes with childbirth that society has made us so afraid of. The moments leading up to becoming a mother and motherhood itself parallel each other in that just as motherhood is challenging as it is rewarding, child birthing is profound and miraculous as it is simple. Beyond being stellar midwives, Christy and Janeyne are two individuals that completely uphold and honor these truths. Their care is genuine and sincere. And most importantly, they listen.
Janeyne weighing baby Eli while Christy holds her baby Elio!