Nicholas Rocco's Birth-a late pregnancy switch to homebirth!

At about 35 weeks I wasn’t sure if I wanted to have this baby in a hospital anymore.  After meeting with my doula and seeing the movie  ”The Business of Being Born” I realized I had other options.  I didn’t have much time, though, and finding a midwife was tricky.  Luckily I found Meredith & Christy.  They were very warm & receptive and I felt instantly at ease with them.My labor started at night and I tried to sleep through the contractions.  At about 6am I felt a funny popping in my lower abdomen and then a slow trickle between my legs.  My husband Tod & I then started timing the contractions.   They were about eight minutes apart.  I called Meredith to let her know, she said to try and eat some breakfast and call back when they got a little closer.   I decided to hop in the shower first.  After standing up for about five minutes the contractions suddenly seemed like they were coming closer and stronger.  I had Tod call Meredith back and let her know.

Meredith helps Stephanie through her contractions in the tub.

Meredith, Christy and Ally, my doula, all arrived within forty five minutes.     Tod and I were both relieved to see them, partly because we knew he wouldn’t be delivering the baby in the bathtub.  The most comfortable position for me at this time was lying down on the bed.   The contractions were further apart and less intense like this.  Christy gently reminded me that we want the contractions because that’s what helps the baby come out.  So at that I decided to stand up and walk around.  Yes that did help!  After the birthing pool was set up I got into it and it felt so nice.  The warm water really helped.   Christy recommended different positions for me to try and Meredith would check the baby’s heart rate regularly.  The contractions were intense and close together but I breathed through each one.  I listened intently and tried to execute the directions given by Meredith and Christy knowing that my cooperation would speed up this process and I could soon meet my baby.  Meredith gave me a soothing lower back massage with some scented oil.  I remember Christy saying “ That’s it you’re done with that contraction you’ll never have to do that one again”  That really helped me to get through each one.  At one point I felt a light stinging in my lower abdomen. Meredith said the baby was coming and she could see my bag in the water.  I couldn’t’ believe how fast everything was going. I got out of the pool and tried squatting on a birthing stool but I was too tired and just wanted to lie down on the bed.  The contractions changed to a bearing down type feeling that made me want to push.   The pushing felt good.  It didn’t seem like it took that long either.  The next thing I knew I had a beautiful, dark haired, lil’ man on my belly.   My husband and I cried and cried.  All I kept saying was thank you, thank you, thank you to Meredith & Christy for all they had done to help me deliver this beautiful baby in the comfort of our home.  It was a magical, miraculous, euphoric, wonderful moment I’ll never forget and I’m so glad they were a part of it.

Meredith & Christy examine Nicholas head to toe!

Mama and midwife check out precious baby boy!