(This is Debbie's story of her first birth. For baby number two, her labor went so fast I arrived two minutes after baby Gus emerged into his father's hands in the birth tub! What a range of birth experiences she has had!)
Labor Day indeed...welcome baby Maggie!
How appropriate that Nancy birthed her sweet baby girl Margaret Frances (Maggie) on Labor Day after patiently waiting until she was more than 42 weeks pregnant!
Little did Nancy know that she would have just turned 30 herself (on September 2nd) before it was Maggie's birthday at last! Nancy, surrounded by her tribe of women and with the reassuring, loving support of Chris, gave birth so gently and with such grace to 9 lb 5 oz Maggie. Her labor and birth were a true testament to the Hypnobabies program as Nancy remained calm, centered and relaxed the entire birth and to her (and my) surprise didn't even give any conscious effort to her pushing waves -the baby just came down on her own.
After being untangled from another long cord, Maggie emerged from the water and lifted her head to gaze at her loving parents. Big brother Luke met his sister shortly thereafter-- what a beautiful LABOR day! Welcome to the world Maggie!
(Coming soon: a link to a short video of Nancy's amazing hypnobabies birth!)
Motherland Winter Potluck!
Two weeks ago we had a lovely well-attended potluck of past, present and future client families in our growing community! Many thanks to our gracious hosts Meghan, Jacob, Rory and Duncan Smith for welcoming us into their spacious and inviting home for the third winter gathering in a row! Over 70 people were in attendance over the afternoon and there was a lot of food, playing and sharing of stories and experiences. It was quite a scene at its peak around 4:30 pm and the few couples there pregnant with their first babies were wide-eyed at the happy madness that is a whole bunch of babies and toddlers and preschoolers having a good and loud time together! Sadly, Meredith couldn't be with us as she had injured her back but we sent her a card with good wishes and thankfully she is mostly healed now!
Here are some pics from the day! Look forward to our Spring Potluck!
Cardinal Movements of Birth
Someone shared this YouTube video showing the movements a baby goes through during birth and thought worth sharing with folks here! These sweet babies really work to be born just like mama does!
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