Motherland Winter Potluck!

Two weeks ago we had a lovely well-attended potluck of past, present and future client families in our growing community! Many thanks to our gracious hosts Meghan, Jacob, Rory and Duncan Smith for welcoming us into their spacious and inviting home for the third winter gathering in a row! Over 70 people were in attendance over the afternoon and there was a lot of food, playing and sharing of stories and experiences. It was quite a scene at its peak around 4:30 pm and the few couples there pregnant with their first babies were wide-eyed at the happy madness that is a whole bunch of babies and toddlers and preschoolers having a good and loud time together! Sadly, Meredith couldn't be with us as she had injured her back but we sent her a card with good wishes and thankfully she is mostly healed now!

Here are some pics from the day! Look forward to our Spring Potluck!